614-337-1986 614-337-1986

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Did you know?

Over 75% of every gift donated to Lighthouse is used to help transform the lives of hurting people!

Prayerfully consider supporting Lighthouse by making a donation today in one of following ways. All contributions help Lighthouse continue to minister to hurting people while minimizing the costs of help for those who need it. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Thank you! 

#1  Mail your donation to Lighthouse Christian Services 5000 Sunbury Rd., Columbus, OH 43230


Give via "GiveDirect", a mobile-friendly donation platform that provides Lighthouse supporters the convenience, security and customization to donate online for: recurring donations, gift donations, and corporate match donations.


Click here to view > Our Commitment to Online Security

The Independent Charities Seal of Excellence is awarded to the members of Independent Charities of America and Local Independent Charities of America that have, upon rigorous independent review, been able to certify, document, and demonstrate on an annual basis that they meet the highest standards of public accountability, program effectiveness, and cost effectiveness. These standards include those required by the US Government for inclusion in the Combined Federal Campaign, probably the most exclusive fund drive in the world. Of the 1,000,000 charities operating in the United States today, it is estimated that fewer than 50,000, or 5 percent, meet or exceed these standards, and, of those, fewer than 2,000 have been awarded this Seal.



Due to the size of our organization, no independent audit is required by the IRS or the State of Ohio. Financial information can be found here: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/31-1074038







Contact Us

Lighthouse Counseling Services, Inc.
5000 Sunbury Road
Columbus, OH 43230
PH: (614) 337-1986
EMAIL: lcscounselors@gmail.com

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